Thursday, October 23, 2014

Canada Attacked- Arab Opinion Divided

My thoughts today are with my Canadian friends, who yesterday saw a Jihadist gunman attack their Parliament, killing a soldier.

It’s clear from the reaction on Twitter that the debate we have in the West, whether Jihadism is the essence of Islam, or an aberration of a few extremists, is mirrored in the Arab world.

@ALE2756 clearly takes the latter view,

What happened in Canada has no justification in the tolerant Islamic religion...the religion which calls for the best in us. #Canada #1.

while @mazennino thinks Canada deserved what it got.

Canada pays the price of its war on Muslims..Attack on the Canadian Parliament, military killed inside, and Canada declares a state of emergency.

@NouredineHicham had a unique take, also unsympathetic to the Canadians:

ISIL struck Canada before it was bombed in Iraq and Syria. It reminded me of the American policy of preemptive strikes. Their teacher.

@MarcoDentoo seemed to be on the fence; perhaps that’s why he used the hashtag #Islamic_Schizophrenia

Sharia permits killing infidels..when they are dangerous. But the deadly attack against the Canadian Parliament does not represent Islam or the Muslims. Because #Islamic_Schizophrenia

@ElsayedWalid shares my own sympathy for the victim, and sadness at the effect this will have on the Canadian Nation.

 Two terrorist incidents in Canada in the same week..Peace to the victims and farewell to the gentle Canada that we know. #Canada changed.

Michael Isenberg is the author of Full Asylum, a novel about politics, freedom, and hospital gowns. Check it out on

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